About ASAP

The Adolescent Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (ASAP) began in 1986 as concerned citizens came together to discuss their passion to address the increase of adolescent substance abuse in Rapid City, South Dakota and from that formed a grassroots coalition taking action ever since. In 2014, ASAP changed their name to Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention.

Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization and is a community-based coalition with the focus on prevention of substance abuse issues and support for a healthy community.

The ASAP Coalition is an organization dedicated to increasing protective factors and reducing risk factors in the community. ASAP is committed to creating and supporting a community where people value and welcome all ages in an environment that encourages healthy, drug-free lifestyles.

ASAP Vision Statement:

“United for a Healthy Community”

ASAP Mission Statement:

To build and strengthen the capacity of our community to promote healthy life decisions.

ASAP Purpose:

We exist to support our communities to value youth and young adults and create environments that encourage healthy life decisions.

ASAP Mission Goals:

  • To improve community awareness of healthy life decisions.
  • To bring together community resources and develop partnerships to support healthy life decisions.
  • To create a safe environment for youth and young adults in which they are supported in healthy life decisions.
  • To increase protective factors and reduce risk factors related to healthy life decisions.
  • To develop leadership of youth and young adults to promote heathy life decisions.
  • To ensure sustainability to continue the mission.

What is a Coalition?

A coalition is a voluntary, formal or informal agreement and collaboration between groups or sectors of a community in which each group retains its own identity but all agree to work together toward a common goal of building a safe, healthy, and drug-free community. Community coalitions are comprised of parents, teachers, administrators, law enforcement, business owners, faith-based leaders and members, health care, youth serving organizations, and other community members and organizations who are concerned about the issues.

Coalitions promote coordination and collaboration among the membership, implement strategies, and work to make efficient use of generally limited resources. By connecting multiple sectors of a community in a comprehensive approach, coalitions can achieve real outcomes for healthier communities.

For more information:

  • www.ASAPRC.org
  • 2040 West Main St. #102
  • Rapid City, SD 57702
  • Phone: 605-209-0729
  • Email: asaprc@outlook.com